Have you ever said, “Lord, I could use a little peace right now” while you are cooking dinner, talking to your mother on the phone and the kids are yelling for help? Or maybe you have told yourself, “just be patient” while you are trying to run out the door and you have to wait for your son to tie his shoes because he wants to do them himself? There are times in our lives when we realize the great qualities we want to have don’t seem to come naturally in every situation. There are circumstances that trigger certain responses we wish wouldn’t happen, and once they are over, we tell ourselves we won’t respond like that again. Galatians 5: 22-23 is a passage in the bible that speaks into these situations.
Galatians 5: 22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things, there is no law.”
The word fruit in this passage means that which comes from something. The Holy Spirit embodies all of the qualities and desires us to utilize them in our everyday lives. He gives us the abilities to replace the impatience in our lives with His patience, His love, etc.
The word fruit is also used because it symbolizes something that is growing and needs to be nurtured. It is a single noun meaning all of these qualities are part of one fruit. They grow and need to be taken care of together. When we feel joy in our lives kindness and goodness are right there too. You cannot master one without the others being evident as well. But the reality of life is, sometimes, we all have times when one quality seems to be lacking. Can anyone say, “Christmas cookies”?
The Essential Fruit of the Spirit Perfume Roll-Ons are a great way to help remind us of a specific fruit that we need to remember that day. If you have an important meeting and you want to exude joy, roll on the perfect scent that will brighten your day. Each unique scent is handcrafted with organic essential oils to bring out the specific fruit you want to emulate that day. Unlike perfume that has irritating chemicals, the Fruit of the Spirit Roll- Ons are formulated with certified Organic Jojoba Oil and 100% pure essential oils that actually benefit the mind, body, and soul.
