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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar augue. Fusce viverra porta dui, sagittis accumsan justo tempus dictum. Quisque sollicitudin eget nisl ut laoreet. Sed in mauris porttitor nunc bibendum suscipit ac sed orci. In ornare tortor in dolor placerat maximus. Nullam consectetur nunc nec justo tristique, ut blandit eros laoreet. Donec scelerisque purus vitae ex venenatis, in aliquet ligula vestibulum. Curabitur rhoncus ante vitae arcu aliquam feugiat. Aenean ullamcorper eleifend nisl sit amet tincidunt.
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Hi Julie,
I hope all's well. I just wanted to let you know that I found yet another use for my PoppyPocket, and plan to hang onto it in case I think of more!
As you know, I was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer in April 2017. My treatment plan, devised by a wonderful surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering, consisted of neoadjuvant chemo, followed by chemo/radiation, and finally surgery. Soon after I began my treatment, I wanted to find something that would allow me to hide my chemo pump (something other than the man-purse that I was initially outfitted with), and came across your PoppyPocket on the internet. I was able to have my oncologist order it for me, and it got me through the last six chemo courses with ease. For the two days every two weeks that I was tethered to the pump, I was able to hide it under a sports jacket. Nobody was the wiser.
After chemo, I went through chemo/radiation, which was all internal, and which I tolerated well. After chem/radiation, I had surgery to remove the remaining cancer, along with about a foot of my lower anterior components, and in the process, had a temporary ileostomy. The ileostomy bag, which covered my temporary stoma just above my beltline, was a bit difficult to deal with while wearing a belt. I found a simple solution, called a StomaDome, which took pressure off of the connection itself, and allowed me to wear a belt, but it was still not quite right as the bag and the dome would shift around, and my belt would find its way under it. I wanted to find something that would keep the bag and StomaDome in place, and provide more support for my belt. I quickly thought of my PoppyPocket. I tried it and was amazed at the results. Not only did it perform as I'd hoped, but it also gave me a couple of pockets to carry some needed supplies (gloves and hiney wipes). Wearing the pockets on the opposite side of my belly from my ileostomy bag actually helped to balance the appearance. I completed the ensemble by wearing a pair of pleated dress pants that had an expandable waistline. It was perfect. Again, nobody was the wiser.
After several months, my ileostomy was reversed, and my stoma was repaired. Where my stoma was a temporary appendage, its removal left a rather gaping hole, which needed to heal from the inside out. So I went from an "outie" to an "innie!" The healing process required me to pack the wound with gauze, and cover it with a large bandage. The surgery left my belly a bit uncomfortable (not so much from pain as weakness), so I tried to think of something to help support my belly, add a little pressure to the bandage, and keep things in place. PoppyPocket to the rescue! Again, it was perfect - I found that the pockets gave me a place to store supplies. After a few weeks, things settled down, and the wound healed to the point where I didn't need anything besides the bandages.
I'm now through with my treatments and have been declared cancer-free, and don't anticipate any more surgeries (unless I disobey my doctor's orders and lift something too heavy). So I think I'm done with my PoppyPocket for now. But I'm keeping it in case I ever need it for something else. I'm thinking it might be useful for carrying my passport and some cash while vacationing in Europe this summer. In the past, I've used an annoying passport bag hung around my neck. How 'bout that!
Julie, thanks so much for designing and developing such a simple solution to so many of my challenges! Please know that you've touched people's lives with this wonderful product. I won't soon forget you or your father's story.
Best regards,
My First Good Night’s Sleep
We received the PoppyPocket for chemotherapy infusion treatment and are very pleased. The fanny pack they provided at the therapy center was just not acceptable for me. During the day I could not get it in a comfortable position and the infusion lines kept getting hung on things. Sleeping was almost impossible, as the unit kept sliding around every time I moved. The PoppyPocket gave me the first good night’s sleep I have had since my infusion treatment began.
Dorothy Black, Patient
My Patients Enjoy the Convenience
PoppyPocket is an excellent nifty little device that holds the infusion pump in a stable position but also does an excellent job concealing the tubing that comes with it. My patients truly enjoy the convenience that this product brings to the delivery of infusional chemotherapy.
Rajesh N. Kukunoor, M.D.
My Customers Don’t Even Know I Am Going Through Treatment
I love PoppyPocket! I work at Saks Fifth Avenue and need to dress nice for work. This product is fantastic because nobody can see my chemotherapy pump beneath my clothes. It is securely hidden in this comfortable little pocket. I continue to work without customers even knowing I am going through treatment. The convenience aspect is wonderful. My tubes are not exposed which means I don’t get them caught in anything! Thank you!
Ann Roundy, Cancer Patient
Makes Me Feel Pretty Again
I love this product! It is more comfortable than the cumbersome fanny pack that came with my pump. I hated the fanny pack. PoppyPocket makes me feel pretty again because I can wear my “pretty” clothes since this product is worn under clothes and nobody can see it. Its extremely light and comfortable and makes my life easier, especially sleeping without getting tangled in my tubes! Thank you very much for coming out with such a wonderful product!!!
Sherry Starle, PPH
(Primary Pulmonary Hypertension)
Great For Our Active Patients
When I saw my patient arrive to have his pump disconnected, I didn’t see it anywhere hanging on him! Of course I was wondering what the heck he did with it. He lifted his shirt and showed me. I was speechless. He told me his daughter made the elastic band with a pocket. How awesome was that! It was all enclosed under his shirt and you couldn’t even tell he had it on! I just couldn’t believe it and I thought how great that would be for our patients, especially the ones that still were very active, not to have to carry that pump where everyone could see it.
Lucy Allison, Oncology Nurse
It’s so great!
I am typically more eloquent than that, but I’m truly overwhelmed right now. This is the first time in over a year I haven’t worn a purse or fanny pack over top of my clothes. It’s a wonderful feeling. Indescribable!! Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Pulmonary Hypertension Patient, Rebecca Hubbard
Frees My Fiancee to Do His Work
I would like to tell you that the PoppyPocket is working well for Gary. He feels so much more mobile with the infusion tucked neatly in the PoppyPocket and the tubes under his shirt. It frees him to do his work without being worried every time he moved that the infusion would fall off the desk. He likes that the infusion bag isn’t hanging over his shirt or coat. A wonderful product for sure.
Thank you.
Irene, Cancer Patient’s Fiancee
Conceals My Pump to Perfection
I am a PAH patient with concerns on how I was going to conceal such a large pump when going out in public. My wife found this product and recommended that I give it a try. I ordered the product on a Thursday, and to my suprise, the product was at my doorstep the very next day! I was impressed at the quick delivery. The product fits very well and conceals my pump to perfection. I highly recommend this product to anyone in the market for a pump pouch.
Thanks again for the quick delivery, especially all the way from AZ to VA. It was a pleasant surprise.
John, Patient